Thursday, September 29, 2011

Is Colon Health The Key To a Disease Free Life?

Colon health is becoming exceedingly important; colon related diseases are some of the most prevalent diseases among Americans today.

Colon health is dependent on the maintenance of beneficial intestinal bacteria and proper elimination. Colon therapy is a form of healthcare that in theory restores the function of the colon. Colon therapy refers to flushing water through the entire length of the colon or large intestine.

This therapy exercises colon muscles and helps reshape the colon. It stimulates reflex points in the colon that relate to other body organs (similar to reflexology). A colon therapy session (colonics, colon hydrotherapy or high colonic as they are sometimes referred to) is used for cleansing, however there are many other benefits.
Based on the type of high fat/low fiber diet contemporary Americans, (Heartlanders included,) typically follow, there seems no time more than the present that colonic therapy might be appropriate. Proper colon health is a very important part of a healthy body.
Where food is concerned, the typical western diet is loaded with pesticides, has been treated with artificial fertilizer and contains artificial preservatives. Conventional diets comprised of refined, processed foods, high in saturated fats, and low in fiber contribute to many problems associated with the large intestine. When the colon is packed with accumulated, hardened feces due to a poor diet, constipation, or some other gastrointestinal problem, waste can build up.

There are several general causes for this waste buildup to occur:
Bad Dietary Habits:
Eating low fiber, high-fat foods;
Eating too much or too quickly;
Poor food combinations (eating foods that need combining digestive enzymes, like the classic American meat and potatoes dinner, so some of it sits and begins to decompose);
And/or drinking large quantities of liquids at meals that dilute digestive enzymes.
Most conventional doctors do agree, however, that avoiding red meat and other fatty foods, and eating a healthy, high-fiber diet, is the best way to keep the colon healthy.
To find out how you can keep your colon healthy:

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What Is a Colon Cleanse?

What Is a Colon Cleanse.

What exactly is a colon cleanse many people ask ,why is it necessary?

The colon is the most neglected part of our body.It is definitely not a topic for discussion at a tea party or at the men's night out. A colon cleanse is not regarded as something that is as normal as brushing your teeth.If these perceptions could be changed ,all people will be healthier.
The saying "death begins in the colon" is not only relevant to colon cancer, the end result of a neglected colon,but to all other seemingly unrelated illnesses.

Symptoms of a colon that needs a cleanse :

Headaches, migraines, bloatedness, flatulence, heartburn, low energy, mood swings, anger, irritation.

The colon is the body's waste disposal or sewer system.
When our diet consists mostly of overcooked fried and overprocessed food ,
our colon becomes more and more clogged.
These foods lack bulk and fiber and in the colon become dry sticky and pasty.
They leave a mucous coating on the lining of the colon which becomes thicker and thicker as time goes by.
The impacted feces on the inner colon interferes with the peristaltic movement of the colon. You can say the colon becomes "stiff an inflexible".
The intestinal flora becomes unbalanced as the bad bacteria increase and the good bacteria decline in numbers.

The good bacteria are responsible for among other producing vitamin K as well as the B vitamins.

The bad bacteria on the other hand aid in putrefacation and pathogenic substances multiply.

This bodes no good for your health and it is the beginning of numerous ilnesses that cannnot be traced.

This is when a colon cleanse is a must.

What is a colon cleanse?

The impacted waste on the inside of the colon lining will not disappear by itself!
The do it your self home colon cleanse is done in the following manner:

I recommend the use of a bag or a can which can be hung on the back of your bathroom door.

Gravitation should be used to get water into the colon.No force is used like with the squeeze bulb that is used many times.

Use just plain warm water.Test temperature as you would for a baby bottle.The water needs to be only at room temperature. Test with the back of your hand or with your elbow.

Before beginning the colon cleanse.

1 Empty the bladder.

2 Smear the tip of the insertion nozzle with vitamin E oil.


A colon cleanse should not be taken while lying on the left side nor while squatting or sitting!

The correct position is the knee- chest one. Put your head and shoulders on a pillow the floor with your buttocks raised!

This makes the water run deep into the colon . Past the sigmoid flexure ,up the descending colon into the transverse colon where it is most needed.

For the first two or three times run only about a pint at a time. Stop the inflow of water when you feel uncomfortable.(depending on the system you are using water flow can be stopped by squeezing the tube with your fingers or closing the valve that lets the water into your bowels.)

Keep the fluid in for a while and the evacuate into the toilet.

The next time let the water in really slowly. This will help you keep the water in for a longer period of time. Keep the water in the colon for at least fifteen minutes.This allows the water to mix with the fecal matter.The fecal coating in the colon must be thoroughly soaked and saturated to be completely removed.

You will know that your colon is clean when only clean water is passed.

If you want to cleanse your colon naturally click here

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Benefits Of a Seawater Colon Cleanse.

Using Seawater For a Colon Cleanse

For centuries, sea water has been used to treat skin problems, infectious diseases and joint pain, among other ailments. Certain elements in sea water are catalytic activators that create biochemical reactions in your brain as well as your circulatory, muscular and digestive systems.

Sea water contains minerals and nutrients that may contribute to your health, whether you drink it, soak in it or eat products grown from it.

Increased Blood Circulation

Thalassotherapy is a form of treatment and therapy based around the healing properties of sea water. The primary objective of thalassotherapy is to increase blood circulation caused by a depletion of vital minerals. Sea water is rich in the same minerals and trace elements that make up human blood plasma, including magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium. A thalassotherapy sea water immersion uses heated sea water to open the pores and allow the skin to absorb these minerals and ions, which can increase bloo
d circulation. Side benefits include toned and moisturized skin which may be evident after a thalassotherapy treatment.

Hormonal Balance

Living microorganisms in sea water secrete hormonal, antibiotic and bacteriostatic substances which help with natural hormonal balance. As you bathe in the sea water, the health benefits are absorbed and assimilated by your body and may help correct a natural hormonal imbalance.

Strengthened Immune System

Breathing the gas molecules contained in an ocean mist can strengthen your body's natural immunological defense mechanism. The sea water spray contains negative ions which enter the body through your respiratory system and attach to the walls of your lungs. As you breathe, your body distributes the negative ions. Sea spray is also rich in iodine, which helps to regulate your thyroid gland.

Weight Loss

Body cleansing systems such as the salt water flush and the master cleanse use sea salt as a major element in cleansing the colon. Colon cleaning treatments can facilitate weight loss and overall good health by removing toxins and parasites from your body. A sea salt colon cleanse will also flush out good bacteria from your body, so plan to take a probiotic supplement to replace the good bacteria after a sea salt colon cleanse. Consult your physician before choosing any type of colon cleanse.

Overall Health Benefits

Upscale spas offer sea water treatments to help reduce stress, speed weight loss and reduce the appearance of cellulite. Massages, facials and hydrotherapy treatments are available that may benefit your overall health and well being.

Best Colon Cleanse : Colon Health

Colon Health

best colon cleanse products.

page contents

Colon health is a topic of lasting human interest and has been since antiquity. Colon health is a matter of life and death, but it is one of the most neglected areas of the body. It is not something most people pay no attention to, especially if none of their family members have suffered colon problems.
Colon health is basically helping the healthy bacteria far outnumber the harmful bugs, and that's what you can do for colon health. How can a colon weighing 30 pounds (as many autopsy's find), be healthy. Colon therapists suggest that the typical American diet, which is low in fiber and high in red meat and other fatty foods, is a major contributor to this problem.

The importance of "regularity" to overall health has been greatly overestimated for thousands of years. Careful observations have shown that the bowel habits of healthy individuals can vary greatly. Thus, many illnesses can be caused by an unhealthy colon or can be prevented by maintaining a healthy colon. Incorporating the practice of annual cleansing and detoxification will not only help regain, but also maintain your health so that your later years are productive and joyful.


How do you know if you or your family needs cleansing and detoxification. The answer is : Everyone needs cleansing and detoxification at least once a year.

Cleansing the digestive tract helps to assure that the body is digesting and absorbing the necessary amounts of nutrients for repairing and restoring proper tissue functions, tissue healing, and maintaining a healthy body in general.

Cleansing the colon helps bring the acid-alkaline ratio back into balance, allowing friendly bacteria to thrive, while inhibiting disease-causing organisms.If you want to know more visit :

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